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Thread Veins

Around half of adults in Ireland have thread veins.

  • What is it? Laser treatment for the removal of thread veins.
  • How does it work? Our Nd:Yag Laser produces a specialised light that is absorbed by blood in the targeted veins, causing the thread vein to disappear.
  • How much does it cost? From €90.
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If you’re wondering what you did to deserve thread veins: don’t.

Around half of adults in Ireland have them in some form or other. There’s probably very little you could have done to avoid them, as they’re believed to be partly hereditary.

Women are more likely to get them and hormonal changes may play a role in their formation. The normal hormonal fluctuations a woman can experience during her life seem to increase the risk.

Thread veins are also known as spider veins, because their pattern extends in a spidery scrawl across the affected area. This means they can look unsightly, cause some discomfort and even force you to limit your exposure to sunlight.

Help is at hand

Fortunately, we can help you get rid of them.

Depending on the severity of the condition, there are various treatments available to you at Dundrum Clinic. For larger thread veins, the most effective treatment is through our specialised laser treatment system. The laser emits a light which causes each thread vein to break up and disappear.

Whether you’re suffering from thread veins, broken veins, red veins or dilated capillaries, we have the technology to treat them.

Frequently asked questions

Thread veins, also known as varicose veins or spider veins, are swollen and enlarged veins that have become visible on the surface of your skin. They're often blue or dark purple.

Thread veins are more common if you are:

  • female
  • overweight
  • of an older age
  • pregnant

Since they're partly hereditary, you might also be at an increased risk if you have family members who experience them.

Our Nd:Yag Laser works by producing a specialised light that is absorbed by blood in the targeted veins. This causes the thread vein to disappear. The choice of which technology we use is dependent on the size of the thread veins to be treated.

Thread vein removal feels like quick, sharp bursts of heat on your skin. However it's not very painful, and afterwards you can get back to your normal activities.

You should notice an improvement in your condition within a few weeks. However, it may take up to 12 weeks to see the full benefits of the treatment.

Very occasionally, clients experience bruising around the treated area. This usually only lasts for a few hours, but in some rare cases bruising persists for a day or two.

If your skin has a tendency to develop broken veins, it’s possible they may return after the treatment. This is more likely in delicate but exposed areas such as the nose. If you do have fragile skin, you may need a top-up treatment roughly once every six months.

Your ongoing skincare routine is a vital part of the treatment’s success. We’ll advise you on how to reduce the chances of further damage in the future.

Prices vary according to the size of the area to be treated and the size of the thread veins within the area.

  • Small area: €90
  • Medium area: €140
  • Large area: €200

For an accurate quote, get in touch to book your initial consultation at our clinic in Dublin.

We can assess your condition and suggest the best course of action during your initial consultation.